
Showing posts from June, 2023

Final Fantasy XVI Review

Final Fantasy XVI Publisher: Square Enix Year: 2023 ESRB Rating:   M Platform:   PlayStation Genre : Action RPG Fun Factor:       By far the most fun part of Final Fantasy 16 would have to be the combat. While initially, it might seem that enemies are not taking that much damage you soon come to find yourself wishing they had more health due to just how many different tools and ways that those tools can be used to take down enemies. While the boss battles are quite enjoyable there are also points in the game where the level that you are in starts to open up and let you explore and pick fights with many different creatures which will end up being something that immerses you into the game even further. Learning Curve:      Due to the fact that previous Final Fantasy titles were mostly turn-based combat and Final Fantasy 16 makes the leap into the action game genre, you would think that it would be difficult to get into but the game starts off by letting the player choose between Ac

Final Fantasy VII Review

Final Fantasy VII Publisher: Square (Now Square Enix) Year: 1997 ESRB Rating:   T Platform:   PlayStation Genre : RPG Fun Factor:       When it comes to the fun factor I would have to say that I rather enjoyed the first couple hours of the game as it starts off with a cinematic opening that hones in on the player and allows for the player to take over and almost instantly get into a fight. This allowed for the game to have the feeling that you are skipping the tutorial but due to the difficulty of the enemies being lowered it also allowed for the player to take their time when figuring out the controls. Learning Curve:   Final Fantasy 7 had a weird learning curve as the battle themselves are quite simple for the start but the battle system does differ from the traditional turn-based combat that people were used to at the time. For example, pokemon has it set out where you get one turn and the enemy gets another and the person has the faster pokemon would be the one that goes f