Triple A Company


            Square Enix is a company that I have mentioned quite a bit on this blog through my reviews of their games so it seems only fit to research more on just what kind of company Square Enix is. Square Enix is a video game production company that is based out of Japan with more than 4,500 employees in multiple different offices all over the world with those offices being located in Los Angeles, London, Paris, Hamburg, and their HQ in Tokyo as well as another office in Osaka. Since its inception in 1975 when it was originally known as Enix it would eventually merge with another game company Square Soft to become Square Enix which would quickly turn them into the huge company that they are today with its website reporting its net sale of 343.2 billion yen as of the fiscal year ended on March 31 of 2023. Due to the fact that Square Enix is the result of a merger, there are many different games that they have published so for the sake of time for this blog post I am only going to bring up their biggest series which would include Space Invaders, The Chrono series, The Mana Series, The Just Cause series, The Kingdom Hearts Series, The Dragon Quest series, and The Final Fantasy series to name a few. Throughout all of those series Square Enix has worked with quite a few different companies with some of them being Platinum Games in some of the Final Fantasy games, Bird Studio with the dragon quest series, and Disney in the Kingdom Hearts Series. Some of the technology that Square Enix uses is their own engine called Luminous Engine which takes some of the assets from the unreal engines but is enough of a difference to be considered its own engine which they used to make Final Fantasy XV as well as one of their new releases Forspoken. When it comes to the budget that Square Enix games tend to have the most reported on one is Marvel’s Avengers which came in at around 170- 190 million this also leads us to some of the failures of Square Enix the reason that the cost of this game was being reported on was due to the fact that the game sold extremely poorly with some sites saying that it wasn’t even able to make the money back from the development cost let alone make a profit. This was the case for a bit with Square Enix where games that they were releasing were selling really poorly like Marvels Avengers and a new IP Forspoken both did fairly bad but these costs were made back through games like the Final Fantasy 7 Remake series which was a game that was pretty well received as well as remakes of the compilation of Final Fantasy 7 with Crisis Core Reunion also being released. 


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